Adopted Budget (Final Document)

Personnel Summary by Program (continued)

FY 20-21

FY 21-22 Amended

FY 22-23 Adopted

FY 23-24 Adopted



Planning Division Building Division

6.760 8.030 3.040 1.470 0.200 0.075 1.550 1.725 1.475

6.960 8.030 4.140 1.470 0.200 0.075 2.500 2.675 1.475

6.160 8.430 5.490 2.370 0.200 0.100 2.175 2.375 1.775

6.160 8.430 5.490 2.370 0.200 0.100 2.175 2.375 1.775

Land Development Engineering

Long Range Planning

Lighting And Landscape District Community Facilities District Stormwater Pollution Prevention Inclusionary Housing In-Lieu Fee Housing Successor Agency

Wastewater Operations

17.450 14.900 3.650 0.300 4.000 1.000 1.500 0.240 1.480 1.090 6.850 0.500

17.600 15.050 3.650 0.300 4.000 1.000 1.800 0.240 1.480 1.090 7.850 0.500 82.085 198.250

16.000 16.500 3.550 1.250 4.000 1.000 1.800 0.250 1.600 1.100 6.950 0.500 83.575 203.750

16.000 16.500 3.550 1.250 4.000 1.000 1.800 0.250 1.600 1.100 6.950 0.500 83.575 203.750

Water Operations

Utility Billing

Water Conservation Information Systems

Geographic Information System (GIS) Communications and Engagement Building Maintenance Police Station Building Maintenance Civic Center Campus Building Maintenance Corporation Yard

Capital Project Implementation General Liability Insurance Non-General Fund Subtotal

77.285 189.750

City Total


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