Adopted Budget (Final Document)

Human Resources


Division Description The purpose of the Human Resources (HR) Division is to attract, develop, and retain a qualified and effective team to provide high quality services. HR accomplishes this by designing and implementing recruitment and selection processes that are fair and transparent, cost effective, and result in hiring the best candidates. In addition, HR is responsible for managing the following programs: benefit administration; employee recognition; labor relations; recruitment and selection; safety and wellness; training and organizational development; employee relations; classification and compensation; workers’ compensation through a third-party administrator and provides assistance in all employment-related services. Though managed by HR, workers’ compensation and unemployment insurance details can be found in the Internal Services Funds section of the budget document. HR provides all employment-related services to City departments and employees. It implements Federal and State mandates, the City’s Personnel Rules, and Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) as related to employment. HR is responsible for maintaining all employee personnel files, records, and documentation. Benefits Administration  Administered and managed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) and other COVID-19 related leaves and benefits  Developed and implemented a City Telework Policy  Streamlined the Department of Motor Vehicles process to be completed remotely and electronically  Conducted a virtual open enrollment process for benefits  Conducted bi-lingual (Spanish – English) exams to new employees  Partnered with Concern Employee Assistance Program (EAP), to conduct workshops for employees  Optimized EDEN reporting functions to transfer data to various state and local agencies such as completing the EDD new hire reporting and the EEO4 reporting FY 2020-21 and FY 2021-22 Accomplishments . Employee Recognition  Organized annual Employee Recognition Event at which various team members received awards for years of service in 2020 - 33 awards and 2021 – 24 awards  Conducted virtual monthly Teammate Update and Fun Events  Partnered with the Work on Wellness (WOW) team to organize various Citywide events


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