Adopted Budget (Final Document)
246.5820 010.5815
SolidWaste Services
Division Description In July 2021, City of Morgan Hill staff began providing the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Administrator and Contracting Agent roles for the countywide solid waste management program. The City was awarded these roles by the County Implementation Committee and Recycling and Waste Reduction Commission (RWRC). TAC’s primary purpose is to implement the Annual Workplan and Budget approved by the RWRC, to advise RWRC on technical and policy issues related to solid waste management and recycling, and to bring together a spectrum of viewpoints and expertise in the processes of establishing strategies for compliance to solid waste regulations, developing programs, conducting policy review, and performing duties as directed by the RWRC. As TAC Administrator and Contracting Agent, the City is responsible for coordinating the meeting agendas and logistics for all of the countywide solid waste advisory bodies. In addition, the City now leads procurement and contracting efforts for a mix of consulting and service contracts serving the countywide program. FY 2020-21 and 2021-22 Accomplishments Entered into a Fiscal Agent Service Agreement with the County to provide TAC Administrator and Contracting Agent roles for TAC Recruited and hired an Environmental Services Manager to provide TAC Administration Services Began process of refining internal program roles and staff objectives FY 2022-23 and 2023-24 Activity Goals Lead TAC through implementation of the FY 2022-23 and 2023-24 approved budgets (Advancing Regional Initiatives; Protecting the Environment and Preserving Open Space and Agricultural Land) Continue to refine internal processes for program administration (Advancing Regional Initiatives; Protecting the Environment; and Preserving Open Space and Agricultural Land) Write an internal Countywide Solid Waste Program Handbook that clearly defines roles, goals, and objectives for the TAC Administrator and Contracting Agent roles (Advancing Regional Initiatives; Protecting the Environment; and Preserving Open Space and Agricultural Land) Financial Comments As Fiscal Agent, the County is the entity authorized and responsible for collecting County solid waste fees from local disposal sites. The City sends a Fund Transfer Request quarterly to the County to cover costs related to the City’s role as TAC Administrator and Contracting Agent as well as all contract costs. These revenues come into Fund 246. The City’s external costs, primarily contracts, are budgeted in 246.5820 while the City’s internal costs, primarily staff and office related, are budgeted in 010.5815.
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