Adopted Budget (Final Document)
Infrastructure Planning, Operational Support andTraffic Congestion Management (continued) FY 2022-23 and 2023-24 Activity Goals Develop the City’s first Transportation Master Plan in coordination with the update to the City’s General Plan Transportation Element (Maintaining and Enhancing Infrastructure and Transportation) Coordinate on the future updates of the Water and Wastewater Master Plans and the Transportation Element of the General Plan (Transportation; Maintaining and Enhancing Infrastructure; Protecting the Environment; Enhancing Public Safety) Continue participation in VTA activities to facilitate City compliance with the CMP (Transportation; Advancing Regional Initiatives) Continue to provide assistance as needed to Morgan Hill’s representative on the VTA Board, Policy Advisory Committee, Technical Advisory Committee, and the South County Board Briefing team (Transportation; Advancing Regional Initiatives; Maintaining and Enhancing Infrastructure) Support elected officials and City staff appointed to committees relating to infrastructure and transportation (Transportation; Advancing Regional Initiatives; Maintaining and Enhancing Infrastructure; Protecting the Environment; Enhancing Public Safety) Financial Comments The Infrastructure Planning budget consists primarily of salaries for staff supporting the activities in this area, including an additional part-time temporary teammate to assist the Public Services Director with Infrastructure Planning efforts. The approximate annual payment due to VTA as the City's share of regional congestion management services is also included in this budget. The City provides the required annual report and participation in regional transportation meetings. Funding for the Division is provided through the General Fund and the various impact and infrastructure funds for the long-range planning of City infrastructure.
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