Adopted Budget (Final Document)
Capital Project Implementation 745.8280 Division Description The Engineering Team implements the City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP). These activities include upfront planning for the CIP, producing bid documents (plans, specifications, cost estimates) for capital projects, and managing the construction of the projects from beginning to completion. The Engineers and Technicians in the CIP Division also provide support services to teammates in other departments within the City and to the City Manager including technical advice, documentation research, preparation of exhibits, and attendance at meetings when necessary. In addition, the CIP Project Implementation Engineering Team responds to inquiries from the public on a regular basis. The CIP Project Implementation Engineering Team is augmented by consultants as needed for technical specialty work or time-constrained projects. In addition, using in-house and contract support, the Division provides inspection services for CIP projects. The CIP Project Implementation Engineering Team is responsible for community engagement and communication with the general public regarding projects that are in the planning, design, and construction stages of development. This outreach includes meetings with the public, meetings with specific affected property owners and businesses, notices and letters, keeping the project pages on the City website updated and accurate, and use of electronic communications and social media. Successfully completed Library Addition Project Completed Annual Pavement Rehabilitation Projects Began construction of the Hale Avenue Extension Project Supported the commencement of SCRWA Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Supported Valley Water in completion of Phase 1 of the Upper Llagas Creek Flood Control Project through Morgan Hill and the commencement of Phase 2A of the Project Completed the Magical Bridge All-Inclusive Playground Project Neared completion of the first phase of the W. Little Llagas Creek trail south of Watsonville Road Completed the major wastewater infiltration and inflow repair project Completed the Tennant Avenue and East Fifth Street Wastewater Projects Completed the Butterfield Linear Park Commenced design of the New Fire Station in coordination with the Fire Department FY 2020-21 and 2021-22 Accomplishments Successfully completed Centennial Recreation Center Expansion Project
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