Adopted Budget (Final Document)
Utilities Division Wastewater Operations
Division Description The City of Morgan Hill provides sewer collection services to approximately 13,300 residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional accounts. The Wastewater Division is responsible for the upkeep of that system and the Division is supported by a group of well trained and certified team members whose goals are to ensure the health and safety of the residents through routine maintenance of the wastewater collection system. The Wastewater Operations activities include but are not limited to routine pipe hydro-cleaning, Closed Caption Television (CCTV) inspections, lift station maintenance, emergency spill response, and repairs of the infrastructure. The City’s collection system consists of approximately 163 miles of up to 36-inch gravity sewer pipes, which includes part of the Morgan Hill-Gilroy Joint Sewer Trunk, that convey flows towards the South County Regional Wastewater Authority (SCRWA). SCRWA is owned under a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) by the cities of Morgan Hill and Gilroy and the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is located southeast of the City of Gilroy. The City of Morgan has upgraded sections of the Joint Sewer Trunk recently and plans on installing another 36” trunk line to serve as an upgrade and as redundant/and bypass to the existing trunk line. Approximately 50 percent of the total sewer pipeline length is made up of 8-inch, 10-inch and 12-inch diameter pipes. The sewer flows collected and treated at the SCRWA WWTP vary monthly, daily, and hourly. While the dry weather flows are influenced by customer uses, the wet weather flows are influenced by the severity and length of storm events. Like Water Operations, the Wastewater Fund is operated as an Enterprise Fund and as such its source of revenue is fees for service. It is important to note that, while the volume of wastewater impacts revenues, the City’s rate structure requires the consumer to pay for the cost of providing the services and is not reliant solely on volumetric costs. FY 2020-21 and 2021-22 Accomplishments Completed hydro cleaning of 525,573 ft. of the wastewater collection system using frequencies and priorities established by the asset management program (annually) Inspected (using CCTV) 187,131 ft. of the wastewater collection system (annually) Upgraded CCTV software Pipeline Observation System Management (POSM) from MS Access to a SQL database and integrated with the City’s Geographic Information System (GIS) Complete the Joint Trunk Line Inspection and Condition Assessment Project with the City of Gilroy Added additional SmartCovers in four locations to better monitor wastewater system performance and prevent overflows Successfully negotiated agreements with engineering firms for on-call support for system modeling and system design improvements Completed the sewer root control project reducing the risks of overflows from root intrusion
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