Adopted Budget (Final Document)

Water Operations


Division Description Water Operations is supported by a group of well trained and certified full-time staff whose primary responsibility is to provide safe and clean drinking water to the homes and businesses in Morgan Hill. The team monitors the water quality weekly to ensure it meets or exceeds regulatory standards. In addition to supplying water service to approximately 14,700 residences and businesses citywide, the Water Division is responsible for routine maintenance and repairs of the water system infrastructure. Those activities help to minimize unscheduled breakdowns and downtime of the water system. Water Operations responds to water emergencies and provides first class service to our water consumers. The water system is made up of 16 active wells, 10 booster stations, 12 storage tanks and 192 miles of water transmission and distribution pipelines. The City extracts all its water from two 2 aquifers (the Coyote Sub-basin and the Llagas Sub-basin), while relying on the Santa Clara Valley Water District (Valley Water), which serves as the groundwater management agency, to import and recharge the water within both sub-basins. City staff continues to actively explore the use of recycled water as a potential alternate water source for reliability. To continue to fund water service to our customers, the City’s Water Operation Fund serves as an Enterprise Fund. Unlike most other funds, the Enterprise Funds charge a fee for the service that the consumer uses. It is important to note that, while the volume of water sales impacts revenues, the City’s updated water rate structure requires the consumer to pay for the cost of providing the services and is not reliant solely on volumetric costs. FY 2020-21 and 2021-22 Accomplishments  Completed the updates to the City’s Urban Water Management Plan and Water System Master Plan  Submitted the American Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) report to the EPA  Essential workers provided a fully operational water and wastewater system to provide critical services 24/7 during the COVID-19 shelter in place orders with 30% of Department’s positions vacant  Completed the deployment of the Incode Mobile Service Order System for water meter work  Migrated meter testing forms from paper to electronic (Sedaru)  Competed PGE PSPS power outage exercise  Completed the Diana #1 Well and Main #1 Well rehabilitation projects  Completed annual Consumer Confidence Report  Exercised 435 system valves in the water distribution system  Tested 299 large water meters (greater than 1½ inches) to ensure accuracy for the highest water customers  Completed annual Dead-End flushing program  Marked 95.0% of underground utility location tickets accurately and within 48 hours

 Cleaned and inspected Holiday 1&2 Water Reservoirs  Quarterly cross-training for new employees completed


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