Adopted Budget (Final Document)
Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
The proposed FY 22-23 through FY 27-28 CIP totals $224.2 million. The primary project categories include 1) Parks and Recreation ($27.4 million), 2) Public Facilities ($10.3 million), 3) Storm Drainage ($10.7 million), 4) Streets & Roads ($44.3 million), 5) Wastewater ($81.8 million), and 6) Water ($49.7 million). As the economy recovered quickly from the sudden downturn, so has the rate of the inflation. The rate of inflation has been elevated and is at a four decades high since late last year and is expected to remain high in the near future, even with the about face, 180-degree turn by the Federal Reserve policy makers, from accommodative stance to combating the inflation. High inflation is reflected in this CIP with the cost of certain planned capital projects more than doubling. The cost of building a new water well was about $3.0 million five years ago and has now ballooned to about $6.0 million. With that said, all projects proposed in the CIP are funded by designated funding sources with no General Fund money except the $1.0 million General Fund contribution annually through FY 27-28 to Pavement Rehabilitation, continuation of prior year’s annual contribution level made available by higher revenue growth. These carefully planned capital projects are either needed to maintain the City’s critical infrastructure or enhance infrastructure as prioritized by the City Council and the Community. The FY 22-23 and FY 23-24 CIP will be appropriated as part of the Biennial Budget approval and it totals $98.6 million. Some of the project highlights include the following: Pavement Rehabilitation Program ($8.3 million): Ongoing program to address the City's pavement rehabilitation needs. Bike, Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Improvements ($3 million): A new project directed specifically at Citywide roadway safety that will fund numerous improvements that support bike and pedestrian safety. The project will improve City roadways in alignment with the City’s Vision Zero Policy. Hale Avenue Extension ($3 million): Work will continue to complete this project that will relieve congestion along Monterey Road through the Downtown and provide relief for the residential areas west of the Downtown. The roadway will include a multi-use bike/pedestrian trail to accommodate other modes of transportation. The first phase of the Project is under construction and will be completed in 2022. The second phase from Main Avenue to Nob Hill Terrace is planned for FY 22-23 with $2 million allocated. New Water Wells ($5 million): The first of two new Water Wells planned for the next four years will be constructed in FY 23-24. These new wells will provide additional redundancy to the City’s Water System.
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