Adopted Budget (Final Document)


The adopted FY 22-23 and FY 23-24 budget reflects the markedly improved financial condition and the assumption of continuing economic growth but with the flexibility for the City Council and staff to adjust as necessary due to the economic uncertainties that could easily alter the economic growth trajectory and our forecasts. The fast recovery from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and continued strong growth of the City’s existing tax base have afforded the City the ability to not only maintain its services, but enhance services in some areas with the focus on Public Safety as prioritized by the Council and the Community. This is the first time in many years that there are 5.5 additional FTEs proposed in the budget, with 4.5 FTEs directly related to Enhancing Public Safety. In financial terms, $17.3 million of additional services as well as enhanced existing services are built into the six-year forecast, with a significant amount dedicated to Enhancing Public Safety, including the staffing of the Third Fire Station. However, as mentioned previously, there remains uncertainties in our economic outlook that could derail our assumptions. Staff will continue to be vigilant and monitor the progress as well as keep the Council abreast of any changes to the City’s financial condition and outlook to ensure the City’s fiscal sustainability. I would like to express appreciation to the Council and to all staff for their cooperation and assistance in the development of this budget. In particular, I want to thank the Department Heads and Budget Team for their constant support in the preparation of this document.

Respectfully submitted,

Christina Turner City Manager


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