Adopted Budget (Final Document)

Description of Funds (continued)

Building Maintenance Fund (740)

Building Replacement Fund (741)

Capital Project Implementation (745)

Unemployment Insurance Fund (760)

Workers’ Compensation Fund (770)

Equipment Replacement Fund (790)

Employee Benefits Fund (791)

• General Liability Insurance Fund (795)

AGENCY FUNDS Agency Funds are used to account for assets held by the City in a trustee capacity or as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other governmental units, and/or other funds. The City maintains the following Agency Funds: • Successor Agency to the former Morgan Hill Redevelopment Agency (250) • Special Deposits (820) • Downtown PBID (830) • Morgan Hi l l Tour i sm Bus iness Improvement District (835) • MH Business Ranch 98 AD (843) • MH Ranch Reassessment 2004 (844) • Madrone Bus. Park - Exempt (845) • Madrone Bus. Park - Taxable (846) • Tennant Ave Business Park (848) • Police Donation Trust (881)


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