Adopted Capital Improvement Program Budget FY 2024-25 through FY 2029-30

City of Morgan Hill Capital Improvement Program FY 2024-25 – FY 2029-30

Project Name: Reservoir Capacity Improvements

Project No. WA6008



Funding Source(s)

F651 - Water Impact Fund F653 - Water CIP Fund

Council Priorities

Fiscal Sustainability Maintaining and Enhancing Infrastructure

Strategic Planning Documents

2021 Water System Master Plan State Requirements Best Management Practices

Project Description The purpose of this project is to either replace or construct larger storage tanks to accommodate growth and increase water storage capacity. The tanks that will be increased in size include the following: Boy’s Ranch (1.20 MG), Glen Ayre (0.25 MG), and Woodland 2 (0.25 MG). Except for the Edmondson site where a second tank (0.90 MG) will be added, the other sites will have new tanks with the current volume; those sites are Llagas (0.2 MG), and Jackson Oaks (0.2 MG). Those facilities are referred to in the 2021 Water System Master Plan as BR-T1, GA-T1, WD-T1, ED-T1, LI-T1, and JO-T1. Those projects will be built in phases. Upgrading the road access to the EL Toro reservoir is included as part of the reservoir projects. A preliminary cost of $500,000 is estimated in the budget for this purpose. Project Justification The 2021 Water System Master Plan for the City delineates a systematic approach to developing water system infrastructure. Its primary goal is to accommodate future growth while ensuring satisfactory service levels. To achieve this, the plan proposes the construction of additional storage reservoirs. These reservoirs will address existing capacity limitations, enhance hydraulic reliability, and account for operational needs. Ultimately, these storage enhancements will ensure adequate service levels for both new and existing customers. Additionally, the El Toro access road is designed to facilitate timely fuel delivery and minimize safety risks for our staff and contractors.

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