Adopted Capital Improvement Program Budget FY 2024-25 through FY 2029-30

City of Morgan Hill Capital Improvement Program FY 2024-25 – FY 2029-30

The recommended FY 2024-25 through FY 2020-30 CIP totals $271,182,836. The project categories include 1) Parks & Recreation ($34,135,491), 2) Public Facilities ($5,712,608), 3) Storm Drainage ($12,105,024), Streets & Roads ($41,974,060), 5) Wastewater ($111,147,404), and 6) Water ($66,108,249).

FY 2024-25 and FY 2025-26 of the 6-Year CIP are appropriated as part of the FY 2024-25 Biennial Budget approval process and they total $169,165,894.

Capital Improvement Program FY 2024-25 and FY 2025-26 Budget by Project Category

Some of the project highlights include the following:

• Pavement Rehabilitation Program ($11 million): Ongoing program to address the City's pavement rehabilitation needs, including $4 million in competitive grant funding to improve Monterey Road from Cochrane to the southern City limits.

• Butterfield Park ($4 million): Funding for construction of the first phase of the Butterfield Park located at Monterey Road and Butterfield Boulevard.

• Holiday Lake Storage Reservoir and related Improvements ($6.7 million): The City will be using grant funds ($4 million) and water impact fees to construct a new water reservoir on East Dunne Avenue to improve fire protection on the east side of the City and water supply capacity for the entire City. • New Joint Trunk Line ($58.7 million): The City will construct a relief trunk line for transmitting increasing volumes of wastewater to the treatment plant south of Gilroy. This project will be funded through Sewer Impact Fees, Ratepayer Funds, and borrowing. • Villa Mira Monte Phase 1 Expansion ($3.9 million): This project will construct the first phase of improvements at Villa Mira monte which includes improved driveways, parking, restrooms, storage, pathways, landscaping and other improvements.

Parks & Recreation 11%

Water 23%

Public Facilities 3%

Storm Drainage4%

Streets & Roads 11%

Wastewater 48%

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