CMH Rec Guide Fall 2023
VOLLEYBALL: CO-REC/ CO-COMP The Co-Competitive league is offered Wednesday evenings and is team sign ups only The Co-Recreation league is offered Thursday evenings and is induvial players only Games will be played at 6 pm, 7pm and 8 pm Both leagues will run for at least 10 weeks of regular games and playoffs for teams that qualify (schedule based on number of registered teams) Game schedules will be available a week before the season begins All games are played indoor at the CRC Location: Centennial Recreation Center, Gymnasium (East Side) Activity# Date Day Time Age FSN003 8/23-11/15 W 6pm-9pm 18yrs+ FSN004 8/24-11/16 T 6pm-9pm 18yrs+ The deadline to register your team is 8/18 There will be no refunds after this date Competitive Team Fee: $900 Individual Recreation Player Fee: $100 BASKETBALL: CO-REC/ CO-COMP The Co-Recreational league is offered Monday evenings from 5PM-9PM and the Co-Competitive League is offered Tuesday evenings 5PM-9PM These leagues are team sign-ups only Individual players are welcome to sign-up as a free agent but are not guaranteed to be placed on a team This league will run for at least 10 weeks of regular games and two weeks of playoffs for teams that qualify (schedule based on number of registered teams) Game schedules will be available a week before the season begins All games are played indoor at the CRC Location: Centennial Recreation Center, Gymnasium (East Side) Activity# Date Day Time Age FSN001 9/11-12/4* M 5pm-9pm 18yrs+ FSN002 9/12-12/5* T 5pm-9pm 18yrs+ *No league 11/27, 11/28 The deadline to register your team is 8/30 There will be no refunds after this date Late fee $50 per week (after 8/25) Team Fee: $1100 INTRO TO PICKLEBALL FOR ADULTS This class is a great way for brand new players to learn the sport of pickleball We will build a solid technical foundation and expose new players to basic strategy and rules In this beginner open play class, students will have the opportunity to play against others with a similar skill set, all while engaging in a fun social environment No prior experience is required Please bring your own pickleball paddle Instructor: City of Morgan Hill Pickleball Instructor Location: Community Park, Outdoor Pickleball Courts Activity# Date Day Time Age Sessions
This class is for the player that has a basic understanding of the rules and techniques but would like to work on improving their skills and learning strategies of the game We will focus on perfecting your shot accuracy as well as effective ball placement Students will have ample play time to develop those key skills in a team match play environment The ideal student is a beginner or intermediate player who wants to improve their pickleball game to the next level and have a fun social experience Please bring your own pickleball paddle Instructor: City of Morgan Hill Pickleball Instructor Location: Community Park, Outdoor Pickleball Courts Activity# Date Day Time Age Sessions FSP001 9/10-10/15 SU 9am-10am 18yrs+ 6 FSP007 10/29-12/10* SU 2pm-3pm 18yrs+ 6 *No Class on 11/26 Fees: $115 / CRC Member: $105
FSP002 FSP004 FSP006 FSP008
9/10-10/15 SU
6 6 6 6
9:30am-10:30am 18yrs+
10/29-12/10* SU 10/30-12/11* M
9:30am-10:30am 18yrs+
*No Class on 11/26, 11/27 Fees: $115 / CRC Member: $105
AC 408-782-2134 • CCC 408-782-0008 • CRC 408-782-2128 • Register online at
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