CMH Rec Guide Summer 2025 Final
POKÉMON MASTER STEM WITH LEGO® SUMMER CAMP AGE: 5-10 Come build with Brick Tech this summer and become the ultimate Pokémon master. In this camp, participants will build Pokémon inspired projects out of LEGO® while learning about STEM concepts. Design your own Pokémon, train for battle in the LEGO® gym, and unlock the secrets of LEGO® Pokémon eggs. Get ready to train for the ultimate LEGO® Pokémon battle. Instructor: Brick Tech Location: Community & Cultural Center, Diana Murphy Room Weekdays 07/28-08/01 09:00 AM-12:00 PM Fee: $285 CRC Member: $275 ADVANCED STEM SUMMER CAMP AGE: 7-12 Calling all LEGO® builders! Join us in this new advanced LEGO® building class where participants will learn engineering principals with hands-on projects. Each day students will be introduced to a new project that showcases a STEM concept. Using motors to power projects participants will get the opportunity to bring their creations to life and advance their LEGO® building techniques. From drill cars to skyscrapers this class will teach students everything they need to build a strong foundation in engineering. Note: There are no prerequisites for this class. Instructor: Brick Tech Location: Community & Cultural Center, Diana Murphy Room Weekdays 07/28-08/01 01:00 PM-04:00 PM Fee: $310 CRC Member: $300
LEGO Camps SUPER MARIO STEM ENGINEERING WITH LEGO® + UNDERWATER STEM WITH LEGO® ADVENTURE CAMP (FULL DAY) AGE: 5-10 Come join Brick Tech in a fun all day adventure! We will explore the Mushroom Kingdom with Mario and his friends and then explore the ocean and learn about submarines, sea animals and STEM concepts in our Underwater Adventure. All students will have hands-on learning as we learn STEM as we build with LEGOs and bring their own creations to life. Each class will be segmented into morning and afternoon lessons Instructor: Brick Tech Location: Community & Cultural Center, Diana Murphy Room Mo-Th 06/30-07/03 09:00 AM-04:00 PM Fee: $450 CRC Member: $440 STAR WARS STEM WITH LEGO® SUMMER CAMP AGE: 5-10 Are you a Star Wars® fan, do you like LEGO® then this class is for you. Come join us for an adventure as we build all your favorite Star Wars® projects. From speeder bikes to x-wings your child will learn STEM concepts while exploring a galaxy far far away€¦ Instructor: Brick Tech Location: Community & Cultural Center, Diana Murphy Room Weekdays 07/07-07/11 09:00 AM-12:00 PM Fee: $285 CRC Member: $275 ADVANCED LEGO® SPIKE PRIME ROBOTICS SUMMER CAMP AGE: 7-12 Join Brick Tech as we design, build, program and test robotics projects with the newest materials that LEGO® has to offer, Spike Prime! All participants will get hands-on learning experience as they are introduced to STEM and programming concepts. Spike Prime Robotics materials (motors, sensors, brain brick), and tablets will be provided for each participant. We use custom curriculums designed to maximize student fun and engagement as we explore robotics and the next wave of automation. Note: there are no prerequisites for this class. Instructor: Brick Tech Location: Community & Cultural Center, Diana Murphy Room Weekdays 07/07-07/11 01:00 PM-04:00 PM Fee: $310 CRC Member: $300
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