CMH Rec Guide Summer 2025 Final
GAME DESIGN 101 - CODING CAMP AGE: 9-14 Learn game design and computer programming with GameMaker, a real game engine used by professionals in the industry. In this camp, students will be introduced to event based programming with GameMaker. They have an option to choose between visual coding and GML, GameMaker's own scripting language. Programming concepts such as variables, conditionals, logical operators, and functions will be covered. Through game design, students develop engineering mindset, problem solving, and mathematical skills. Beginners to experienced; all skill levels are welcome. Please bring a laptop. We will have a few laptops available for those who are unable to bring one. Instructor: AllCode Academy Location: Community and Cultural Center (CCC), Diana Murphy Room Weekdays 06/16-06/20 09:00 AM-12:00 PM Fee: $340 CRC Member: $330 BUILD A SMART HOME WITH MICRO:BIT- CODING CAMP AGE: 8-12 Build a 21st century smart home with Micro:Bit. Micro:Bit is a programmable device that allows students to get hands-on with coding and digital making. It is packed with many sensors that enable students to make interactive projects. In this camp, students will brainstorm ideas to make their smart home secure, efficient, and innovative. We will cover basic computer programming concepts and students will write code using either a block-based or MicroPython programming language. We will guide the class through the whole project with emphasis on problem solving and creativity. Please note that we will provide Micro:Bit to students. Bring a laptop. We will have a few laptops available for those who are unable to bring one. Instructor: AllCode Academy Location: Community and Cultural Center (CCC), Diana Murphy Room Weekdays 07/21-07/25 09:30 AM-12:30 PM Fee: $310 CRC Member: $300 MAKE WEB APPS-CODING CAMP AGE: 11-18 Join this camp and learn to make a web apps from the ground-up! We will cover three popular web technologies - HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript. Students will learn how these technologies come together to make a functional web app. Students will brainstorm app ideas, design user interfaces, code, test, and perform debugging. Projects will be carefully chosen with the aim of enhancing students' programming skills, creativity, and problem solving. Prior coding experience helps, but it's not required. Beginners as well as experienced students are welcome. Please bring a laptop. We will have a few laptops available for students who are unable to bring one. Instructor: AllCode Academy Location: Community and Cultural Center (CCC), Diana Murphy Room Weekdays 07/21-07/25 01:30 PM-04:30 PM Fee: $340 CRC Member: $330
LIVE ACTION FLIX CAMP AGE: 7-13 Discover your filmmaking talents! You don't have to be an actor to take part, as we'll guide you through the Hollywood process to create, direct, film, act, and more. You won't just make an incredible movie, you'll have the skills to make your own movies with friends. *$35 Production fee included in the price of camp. Flix emailed within a month after camp ends. Instructor: IncrediFlix Location: Community and Cultural Center, Diana Murphy Room Weekdays 06/23-06/27 09:00 AM-12:00 PM Fee: $377 CRC Member: $367 MARIO FLIX CAMP AGE: 7-13 It's-a-me, Mario! Brand new for 2025 Stop Motion Movie making with your favorite Mario Characters. Create a Mario Movie full of fun to save the day, or even be Bowser trying to take over the world! Work in small groups to storyboard, build the world, film, and do voice-overs. *$35 Production fee included in the price of camp. Flix emailed within a month after camp ends. Instructor: IncrediFlix Location: Community and Cultural Center, Diana Murphy Room Weekdays 06/23-06/27 01:00 PM-04:00 PM Fee: $377 CRC Member: $367 LIVE ACTION & MARIO FLIX CAMP - FULL DAY AGE: 7-13 Join us for the full day combo camp for a discount plus free lunch supervision! Please see both half day descriptions. Bring snack, lunch and drink. *$70 Production fee is included in
the price of camp. Flix emailed within a month after camp ends. Instructor: IncrediFlix Location: Community and Cultural Center, Diana Murphy Room Weekdays 06/23-06/27 09:00 AM-04:00 PM Fee: $710 CRC Member: $700
22 AC 408-782-2134 n CCC 408-782-0008 n CRC 408-782-2128 n REGISTER ONLINE:
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