CMH Rec Guide Summer 2025 Final


Youth Activities

Adaptive Programs See adaptive programs on page 39. Aquatics Programs See aquatic programs and swim lessons on page 12-13. Parent/Child MUNCHKIN SPORTS - PARENT/CHILD AGE: 2-4 This class provides an introduction to soccer and basketball with an emphasis on fun while promoting new friendships through the basic fundamentals! Parent involvement is encouraged as this allows parents to gain a better understanding of the drills being taught and enables them to practice at home with their child. Instructor: City of Morgan Hill Coach Location: Centennial Recreation Center, Gymnasium We 06/18-07/30 10:00 AM-10:45 AM No Class 07/02 Fee: $120 CRC Member: $110 Parents Night Out PARENTS NIGHT OUT AGE: 3-9 A fun night filled with dinner, games and crafts. This is a night you can leave your child knowing they will be safe and have a great time while you have an enjoyable evening out! Your child will be in the responsible hands of the Kids Club staff. Each session is based on a particular theme with games, food, and activities according to the theme. This is a Drop off program. Must be Potty Trained. Instructors: Kids Club Staff Location: Centennial Recreation Center, Kids Club Fr 06/13 05:00 PM-09:00 PM Sa 06/28 05:00 PM-09:00 PM Fr 07/11 05:00 PM-09:00 PM Sa 07/26 05:00 PM-09:00 PM Fr 08/08 05:00 PM-09:00 PM Sa 08/23 05:00 PM-09:00 PM Fee: $60 CRC Member: $55 additional siblings $30

Youth Dance

YOUTH TAP II AGE: 10-15 Faster paced, more advanced class for students. Expand your creative talents while building poise and self-confidence. Rhythm tap sessions include warm-ups; cross the floor exercises and dance routines. Attire: Leotard and tights, or tee shirt and athletic pants/tights, tap shoes. Instructor: Wanda Marshall Location: Community and Cultural Center, Mira Monte Room Th 06/19-07/31 05:00 PM-05:45 PM No Class 07/03 Fee: $93 CRC Member: $88 TOT TAP CLASSES AGE: 4-6 Children learn basic tap dancing at an easy going, age appropriate tempo. Encourages creative expression and helps build self-confidence. Tap sessions include dance warm-ups and combinations. Attire: Leotard and tights, or tee shirt and athletic pants/tights, and tap shoes. Instructor: Wanda Marshall Location: Community and Cultural Center, Mira Monte Room Th 06/19-07/31 03:30 PM-04:00 PM No Class 07/03 Fee: $85 CRC Member: $80 YOUTH TAP I AGE: 7-12 Students will be introduced to rhythm tap which helps expand creative talents while building poise and self-esteem. Learn basic tap technique that includes a warm-up along with cross-the floor-exercises, and dance combinations. Rhythm is magic; and tapping to music is a great way to express one's self. Attire: leotard and tights, or tee shirt and athletic pants/tights, tap shoes. Instructor: Wanda Marshall Location: Community and Cultural Center, Mira Monte Room Th 06/19-07/31 04:05 PM-04:50 PM No Class 07/03 Fee: $93 CRC Member: $88

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