CMH Rec Guide Summer 2025 Final


Adult Activities

ADULT TAP III - INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED AGE: 18/UP Fast paced tap class for experienced tappers who are comfortable learning extended phrases and moving quickly through steps and combinations. Dance to contemporary as well as jazz music doing technical warm-ups; cross-the-floor combos; and dance routines. Attire: Comfortable clothes appropriate for dance or proper dancewear; tap shoes. Instructor: Wanda Marshall Location: Community Cultural Center, Mira Monte Room Th 06/12-08/14 07:10 PM-08:10 PM No Class 07/03 Fee: $145 CRC Member: $135 ADULT TAP IV - ADVANCED AGE: 18/UP This class is geared for the advanced student and includes the Bill Robinson warm-up. Dance to contemporary rock and jazz music doing advanced technical warm-ups; cross-the-floor combos; and dance routines. Attire: Comfortable clothes appropriate for dance or proper dancewear; tap shoes. Instructor's approval required. Instructor: Wanda Marshall Location: Community Cultural Center, Mira Monte Room Mo 06/12-08/14 06:05 PM-07:05 PM Fee: $160 CRC Member: $150 ADULT BALLROOM CLASS - TANGO BASICS FOR THE BEGINNER AGE: 18/UP Unleash your inner tango—where music, passion, and movement come together to create unforgettable moments! Join this beginner-friendly ballroom dance class where you'll learn the foundational steps of American Tango at a comfortable pace. This class is perfect for those new to dancing—no partner needed! Discover the joy of movement and exercise for both your mind and body while building your confidence on the dance floor. Attire: Comfortable clothes appropriate for dance or proper dancewear. Smooth bottom shoes if possible. Instructor: Tessa Zhang Location: Community and Cultural Center, Mira Monte Room Tu 06/17-07/22 07:10 PM-08:10 PM Fees: $130 / CRC Member: $120 ADULT BALLROOM CLASS - SALSA BASICS FOR THE BEGINNER AGE: 18/UP 1,2,3…5,6,7! Join this beginner-friendly ballroom dance class where you'll learn the foundational steps of Salsa at a comfortable pace. This class is perfect for those new to dancing—no partner needed! Discover the joy of movement and rhythm while building your confidence on the dance floor. Attire: Comfortable clothes appropriate for dance or proper dancewear. Smooth bottom shoes if possible. Instructor: Tessa Zhang Location: Community and Cultural Center, Mira Monte Room Tu 08/05-09/09 07:10 PM-08:10 PM Fees: $130 / CRC Member: $120

Adaptive Programs See adaptive programs on page 39. Aquatics Programs See swim lessons on page 13. Adult Dance ADULT TAP I - TAP BASICS FOR THE BEGINNER AGE: 18/UP Learn the basic steps of tap to contemporary and jazz music. A slower paced class for beginner tappers that includes tap technique, cross the floor exercises, and tap dance numbers. The focus is on the basics of tap. Attire: Comfortable clothes appropriate for dance or proper dancewear; tap shoes. Instructor: Wanda Marshall Location: Community and Cultural Center, Mira Monte Room Th 06/12-08/14 06:00 PM-07:00 PM No Class 07/03 Fee: $145 CRC Member: $135 ADULT TAP II - BEG/ADV BEGINNING AGE: 18/UP Come join the fun learning rhythm tap and expand your creative talents. A faster paced tap class for beginners or long time tappers who want to brush up on your skills. Classes will include dance warm-ups; cross-the-floor-exercises; and dance routines. Attire: Comfortable clothes appropriate for dance; or proper dancewear; tap shoes. Instructor: Wanda Marshall Location: Community and Cultural Center, Mira Monte Room Mo 06/09-08/11 05:00 PM-06:00 PM Fee: $160 CRC Member: $150


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