CMH Rec Guide WS 2023
Support Services HEALTH INSURANCE COUNSELING AND ADVOCACY (HICAP) Counselors will assist seniors and their families to understand and evaluate the confusing array of insurance options Counselors assist seniors with comparison charts, insurance plan benefits, cost and limitations, claim or benefit denials and other billing problems This service is offered at the Senior Center by Sourcewise They are not affiliated with any insurance company and offer unbiased information solely to aid seniors in making informed decisions about coverage Please schedule appointments by calling the Senior Center Welcome Desk at (408) 782-1284 Date Day Time Age Ongoing 2nd&4th Wed 9am-12pm 60+ Advance appointment required, register at the Senior Center Welcome Desk Drop-in: Free
Free legal assistance for Santa Clara County residents 60+ with problems pertaining to Social Security, Medicare, Medi-Cal, mobile homes, elder abuse, and housing Currently, SALA appointments are by phone only Please call SALA directly at (408) 295-5991 Free DEMENTIA SUPPORT GROUPS These groups provide a safe place for family members and friends of dementia patients to share feelings, concerns, and information They are where you will find support, and learn how people cope with the symptoms and life changes caused by dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and other related disorders Please call Anna at (408) 310-4255 or email anna bielecki@ mhcrc com for more information Date Day Time Age In-Person - CRC Senior Center Activity Room 2 Ongoing 2nd Monday 11am-12:30pm 60+
Virtual Ongoing 4th Monday
12pm-1:30pm 60+
REACH YOUR DESTINATION EASILY RYDE PROGRAM RYDE is a curb- to-curb t ranspor tat ion and local t r ip planning service for adul ts 65+ l iving in the Morgan Hi l l area. We are l ook i ng for vo l unteer dr i vers to dr i ve Ol der Adu l t s around Morgan Hi l l for the i r er rands , grocery shopp i ng, and/or doc tor v i s i t s on weekdays between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Dr i vers wi l l be screened by DOJ and mus t have a negat i ve TB tes t . The schedu l e i s f l ex i b l e so you may choose when you wou l d l i ke to vo l unteer . Th i s program t ru l y makes an impac t on an i so l ated Sen i or ' s l i fe by keep i ng them connec ted to the commun i t y .
35 ADULT 50+
Sign up today! To s i gn up or for more i nformat i on p l ease contac t : 408-310-4255
AC 408-782-2134 • CCC 408-782-0008 • CRC 408-782-2128 • Register online at
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