CMH Rec Guide Winter/Spring 2024


Aquatics RED CROSS LIFEGUARDING CLASS This class is designed to provide the skills necessary to be an effective pool lifeguard. Training includes CPR for the Professional Rescuer, Standard First Aid, Lifeguard Training. Students must pass a swim test on the first day of class. Passing of the class does not guarantee a position with the City of Morgan Hill. Proper bathing suit is required. For more information, please call Suzie Nguyen at 408.310.4251. Instructor: Aquatics Staff Location: Morgan Hill Aquatics Center – Competition Pool Activity # Date Day Time Age Sessions WSD001 1/13-1/15 SA-M 8:00am–5:00pm 15yrs+ 3 WSD002 2/19-2/21 M-W 8:00am–5:00pm 15yrs+ 3 WSD003 4/1-4/3 M-W 8:00am-5:00pm 15yrs+ 3 WSD004 5/25-5/27 SA-M 8:00am-5:00pm 15yrs+ 3 Fees: $310/ CRC Member: $300

Special Interest ADULT TAP 1 - TAP BASICS FOR THE BEGINNER Learn the basic steps of tap to contemporary and jazz music. A slower paced class for beginner tappers that includes tap technique, cross the floor exercises, and tap dance numbers. The focus is on the basics of tap. Attire: Comfortable clothes appropriate for dance or proper dancewear; tap shoes. Instructor: Wanda Marshall Location: Community and Cultural Center, Mira Monte Room Activity# Date Day Time Age Sessions

WSI002 WSI010



5pm-6pm 5pm-6pm

18yrs+ 18yrs+

8 8

3/18-5/13* M

*No Class 1/15, 2/19, 4/1 Fees: $130 / CRC Member: $120 ADULT TAP II – BEG/ADV BEGINNING

Come join the fun learning rhythm tap at and expand your creative talents.. A faster paced tap class for those who are new to tap or just want to brush up your skills. Classes will include dance warm-ups; cross-the-floor-exercises; and dance routines. Attire: Comfortable clothes appropriate for dance; or proper dancewear; tap shoes. Instructor: Wanda Marshall Location: Community and Cultural Center, Mira Monte Room Activity# Date Day Time Age Sessions WSI007 1/11-3/7* Th 6pm-7pm 18yrs+ 8 WSI015 3/21- 5/16* Th 6pm-7pm 18yrs+ 8 *No Class 2/22, 4/4 Fees: $130 / CRC Member: $120


AC 408−782−2134 • CCC 408−782−0008 • CRC 408−782−2128 • Register online at Register online at To receive your CRC Member discount, be sure to use the login information associated with your membership account. Register early to prevent course cancellations.


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