Candidate Instructional Guide - November 2022 Election
Election Activities in General
Political Cyberfraud (E.C. 18320)
It is unlawful for a person to, with intent to mislead, deceive or defraud, commit an act of political Cyberfraud. This includes willful acts concerning political websites and access, domain names, diverting or redirecting access, and preventing or denying exit from a site.
Superimposed Image of Candidate (E.C. 20010)
No production, distribution, publication or broadcast of campaign materials with actual malice, containing a superimposed image of a candidate is permitted. Actual malice means with the knowledge that the image of the person has been superimposed on a picture to create a false representation.
Pursuant to Elections Code section 18370:
No person, on Election Day, or at any time that a voter may be casting a ballot, shall, within 100 feet of a voting center or an elections official's office:
(a) Circulate an initiative, referendum, recall, or nomination petition or any other petition;
(b) Solicit a vote or speak to a voter about marking their ballot;
(c) Place a sign relating to voters' qualifications or speak to a voter about their qualifications except as provided in Elections Code section 14240; or
(d) Do any electioneering.
As used in this section, "100 feet of a voting center or an elections official's office" means 100 feet from the room or rooms in which voters are signing the roster and casting ballots. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor.
The County of Santa Clara Registrar of Voters provides registered voter lists and reports that may assist the candidate during their run for city elective office. Additional information can be obtained from the County by calling (408) 299-8683 or visiting the County’s
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