City of Morgan Hill Adopted Budget FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18
CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY 16-17 and 17-18 OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY 16-17 and 17-18 OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY 16-17 and 17-18 OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET CITY OF MORGAN HILL CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY 16-17 and 17-18 OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY 16-17 and 17-18 OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY16-17 and 17-18 Fund Balance Projection - FY 2017-18 7-1-2017 17-18 17-18 17-18 17-18 06-30-2018 Projected Fund Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Balance Revenues Transfers In Transfers Out Expenditures Balance General Fund 010 General Fund 15,381,641 $ 35,482,180 $ 1,655,508 $ 2,118,574 $ 36,914,432 $ 8,163,996 $ General Fund Reserve 5,322,327 Subtotal 15,381,641 $ 35,482,180 $ 1,655,508 $ 2,118,574 $ 36,914,432 $ 13,486,323 $ Special Revenue Funds 202 Street Fund 10,622 $ 761,530 $ - $ 761,458 $ 2,022 $ 8,672 $ 205 Supplemental Law Enforcement 53,322 100,395 - 100,000 - 53,717 206 Community Development Fund 2,004,618 3,679,970 - 136,104 5,008,837 539,647 207 General Plan Update Fund 1,131,947 596,212 110,000 3,997 665,593 1,168,569 210 Com Rec Centers Startup Fund 299 2 - - - 301 215 CDBG Fund 0 - - - - 0 216 CDBG Revolving Loan Fund 55,893 417 - - - 56,310 225 Asset Seizure Fund 33,534 250 - - - 33,784 229 Lighting & Landscape Fund 150,017 187,321 - 368 182,663 154,307 230 Community Facilities District 35,753 43,340 - 78 43,333 35,683 232 Environmental Programs Fund 342,712 54,360 327,804 2,326 343,094 379,456 234 Mobile Home Park Rent Fund 33,350 3,931 - - 880 36,401 235 Senior Housing Trust Fund 218,858 1,633 - - - 220,491 236 Housing Mitigation Fund 1,030,102 842,443 - 11,142 1,283,029 578,374 240 Employee Assistance Fund 54,371 30,966 - - 41,247 44,090 247 Environment Remediation Fund 147,895 1,104 - - - 148,999 250 City of Morgan Hill Acting as the Successor Agency to the Morgan Hill Revelopment Agency (3,019,098) 7,131,889 - 15,942 7,138,478 (3,041,629) 255 Housing Successor Agency 2,682,901 1,285,374 - 2,326 1,931,214 2,034,736 Subtotal 4,967,098 $ 14,721,137 $ 437,804 $ 1,033,741 $ 16,640,389 $ 2,451,909 $ Capital Project Funds 301 Park Impact Fund 2,838,881 $ 1,439,640 $ - $ 82,700 $ 2,617,450 $ 1,578,371 $ 302 Park Maintenance Fund 5,528,904 688,026 200,000 5,252 927,899 5,483,779 303 Drainage Impact Fund 8,539,649 1,822,884 - 7,700 25,998 10,328,835 304 Drainage-Non AB1600 Fund 1,184,758 70,894 - - 155,141 1,100,511 306 Open Space Fund 6,581,847 1,539,970 - 16,500 1,350,724 6,754,593 308 Street CIP 43,588 357,235 1,000,000 - 1,356,211 44,612 309 Traffic Impact Fund 4,263,202 1,348,287 - 31,900 2,991,150 2,588,439 311 Police Impact Fund 78,722 256,218 - 227,546 1,313 106,081 313 Fire Impact Fund 3,755,992 94,577 - 589,098 26,379 3,235,092 346 Public Facilities (Non AB1600) 176,763 617,956 - - 45,041 749,678 347 Public Facilities Impact Fund 2,233 171,217 - - 1,223 172,227 348 Library Impact Fund 2,293,305 661,411 589,098 211,365 3,332,449 0 350 Undergrounding Fund 392,575 53,236 - - 539 445,272 355 School Ped & Traffic Safety 969,841 444,341 100,000 - 874,598 639,584 360 Com. Rec. Centers Impact Fund 1,543,068 985,274 - - 160,000 2,368,342 Subtotal 38,193,330 $ 10,551,166 $ 1,889,098 $ 1,172,061 $ 13,866,114 $ 35,595,418 $ Debt Service Funds 420 Civic Center Debt 498,562 $ 3,707 $ 293,701 $ - $ 297,423 $ 498,547 $ 441 Police Facility Bond Debt Service 525,734 3,915 381,458 - 383,610 527,498 545 Cochrane Business Park AD Fund 11,222 84 - - - 11,306 Subtotal 1,035,518 $ 7,706 $ 675,159 $ - $ 681,033 $ 1,037,351 $
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