City of Morgan Hill Adopted Budget FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18
CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY 16-17 and 17-18 OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY 16-17 and 17-18 OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY 16-17 and 17-18 OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET CITY OF MORGAN HILL CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY 16-17 and 17-18 OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY 16-17 and 17-18 OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY16-17 and 17-18 Summary of Revenues & Transfer In (continued) 14-15 15-16 15-16 16-17 17-18 Actual Amended Year End Projection Adopted Adopted Special Revenue Funds 202 Street Fund 737,392 $ 690,311 $ 739,507 $ 761,518 $ 761,530 $ 205 Supplemental Law Enforce. Fund 107,546 100,300 100,437 100,265 100,395 Planning 1,556,553 1,292,307 1,009,965 1,117,359 1,131,051 Building 2,380,713 2,477,376 2,392,469 2,507,862 1,937,862 Engineering 823,164 896,127 860,250 741,563 601,640 Other Revenue 288,277 22,110 32,008 11,840 9,417 206 Community Development Fund 5,048,708 4,687,920 4,294,692 4,378,624 3,679,970 207 General Plan Update Fund 947,500 902,088 907,666 658,035 706,212 210 Com Rec Centers Startup Fund 2 2 2 1 2 215 CDBG Fund 137,682 77,952 82,169 70,000 - 216 CDBG Revolving Loan Fund 4,782 - 5,814 278 417 225 Asset Seizure Fund 14,893 7,809 1,573 167 250 229 Lighting & Landscape Fund 182,810 184,560 184,850 185,810 187,321 230 Community Facilities District 8 39,448 40,604 41,999 43,340 232 Environmental Programs Fund 292,475 229,214 297,089 382,640 382,164 234 Mobile Home Park Rent Fund 3,799 5,146 3,783 3,831 3,931 235 Senior Housing Trust Fund 1,559 1,078 1,364 1,089 1,633 236 Housing Mitigation Fund 1,610,535 897,650 1,887,403 1,601,328 842,443 240 Employee Assistance Fund 25,893 37,710 28,263 30,298 30,966 247 Environment Remediation Fund 1,610 1,041 922 736 1,104 250 COMH Successor to MHRDA 8,766,909 7,001,993 10,605,645 7,343,954 7,131,889 255 Successor Housing Agency 760,873 1,651,918 1,954,867 1,251,430 1,285,374 Total Special Revenue Funds 18,644,977 $ 16,516,141 $ 21,136,652 $ 16,812,003 $ 15,158,941 $ Capital Project Funds 301 Park Impact Fund 1,212,379 $ 4,046,290 $ 2,136,282 $ 1,850,595 $ 1,439,640 $ 302 Park Maintenance Fund 979,521 1,046,730 1,414,615 1,038,123 888,026 303 Drainage Impact Fund 1,233,722 2,070,189 1,511,090 1,624,857 1,822,884 304 Drainage-Non AB1600 Fund 108,631 126,300 107,321 84,735 70,894 306 Open Space Fund 1,176,826 624,120 1,525,305 1,943,781 1,539,970 308 Street CIP 1,173,778 3,275,917 1,579,340 2,731,146 1,357,235 309 Traffic Impact Fund 591,430 1,077,631 976,055 1,360,910 1,348,287 311 Police Impact Fund 154,994 360,359 320,716 272,506 256,218 313 Fire Impact Fund 60,827 83,822 87,119 139,152 94,577 346 Public Facilities (Non AB1600) Fund 191,785 756,456 1,026,249 786,626 617,956 347 Public Facilities Impact Fund 104,119 254,256 228,579 182,245 171,217 348 Library Impact Fund 539,622 975,444 973,610 813,403 1,250,509 350 Undergrounding Fund 125,861 1,105,529 2,263 1,104,276 53,236 355 School Ped & Traffic Safety Fund 457,997 725,851 508,362 666,766 544,341 360 Com Rec Centers Impact Fund 505 353 293,405 1,249,999 985,274 Total Capital Project Funds 8,111,770 $ 16,529,265 $ 12,690,312 $ 15,849,120 $ 12,440,264 $
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