City of Morgan Hill Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Chapter 4: Policies, Actions and Projects

Proposed Recreation Facility Projects

The following table includes recommendations for the development of new and enhanced recreation facilities.

Table 4-7: Recommended Recreation Facility Projects

Recommended Enhancements

Project Project

Relevant Sites

Centennial Recreation Center expansion

Construct proposed addition including new fitness rooms and storage area.

R-A1. Centennial Recreation Center


Improve the Sports Center by adding a sidewalk, lights, irrigation, and restroom.

R-B1. Outdoor Sports Center (Phased improvements)

Outdoor Sports Center


Continue to pursue the development of a complex in the SE Quadrant; Engage the community. Conduct Feasibility Analysis and construct for a regional facility (or add courts to neighborhood parks). Establish PRC subcommittee and draft a partnership agreement and establish a working relationship with the Historical Society. Pursue joint-use agreement(s) to expand gymnasium facility capacity.

Baseball / Softball Complex

R-C1. City property in the SE Quadrant


Sand Volleyball Complex

R-D1. Location to be determined


R-E1. Villa Mira Monte (Phased improvements)


Villa Mira Monte

Expand gymnasium capacity

R-F1. Location undetermined


R-G1. Splash pad at community park R-G2 . Aquatic Center improvements

Expand aquatic capacity

Expand capacity at existing facilities.


Conduct a feasibility analysis to determine programming and the need for additional facility space.

Expand Senior Service Center

R-H1. Centennial Recreation Center


Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan | 4-39

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