City of Morgan Hill Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Section 2: Introduction and Executive Summary | May 2017 Sports Market Business Strategy – Morgan Hill, CA PAGE 1

INTRODUCTION The City of Morgan Hill, California (“City”) was seeking a qualified consultant to conduct an all- encompassing market assessment and facility audit of regional sports and recreation venues. Johnson Consulting conducted competitive facility assessments on the Outdoor Sports Center and Aquatics Center to evaluate improvements versus additions at each facility. Additionally, our analysis resulted in a strategic planning process for such venues and economic tourism development strategies for the sports and recreation sectors. The results of our subsequent analysis will empower the City to make the most informed decisions about potential future development or renovation of facilities, how to operate such facilities, where to place them to optimize return on investment, while enhancing the marketability of year round culture, sports tourism and unique events.  Historical Operations Review: Provide a review of event demand and attendance at the Morgan Hill Outdoor Sports Center and Morgan Hill Aquatics Center. As part of the review we projected the current economic and fiscal impacts at each facility.  Market Study and Strategic Plan: Review the market conditions in Morgan Hill, meet with stakeholders of the Outdoor Sports Center and Aquatic Center, and conduct a regional facility audit within a 200-mile radius of Morgan Hill to understand any facility gaps in Morgan Hill. Part of this objective will include a strategic plan with respect to sports and recreation facilities so the City can determine if new facility development should be considered, or if the existing facilities can be updated to improve the economic and fiscal impacts of each facility.  Section 3: Presents an economic and demographic overview of Morgan Hill and the regional market. The information in this section is an essential component in understanding the economic and market framework that supports the existing facilities and any new developments.  Section 4: Provides an overview of the Morgan Hill Aquatics Center and Outdoor Sports Center. The overview includes demand and attendance figures from data provided by each facility, and a projection of economic and fiscal impacts resulting from operations. Also included in this section are the results from four intercept surveys conducted at the Outdoor Sports Center and Aquatics Center. In addition to this introduction and methodology review, the report contains the following sections: OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Johnson Consulting has undertaken a program of services designed to accomplish the following major objectives:

 Section 5: This section includes a regional inventory of similar facilities within a 200-mile radius to show the facilities that Morgan Hill competes with for events. Also included in this section is a

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