City of Morgan Hill Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Section 2: Introduction and Executive Summary | May 2017 Sports Market Business Strategy – Morgan Hill, CA PAGE 7

Table 2-3

Morgan Hill Outdoor Sports Center Outdoor Events (2015-2017)

Total Attendance*

Attendance/ Day

Events Event Days

2015-2016 2016-2017**

33 31

62 67





*Estimated attendance. **Projected. Sources: Morgan Hill Youth Sports Alliance

PRICING: The prices for renting the facility vary based on field surface and renter type. These costs are provided in the table below.

Table 2-4

Field Rental Rates Morgan Hill Outdoor Sports Center Surface Price /Hr Turf Grass Home Field Program $30 $18 Morgan Hill Non-Profit $35 $25 Morgan Hill Resident $45 $35 Visitor Non Profit $60 $45 Visitor $80 $55 $35/hr for lights Sources: MHYSA, MHOSC Renter Type

OBSERVATIONS: Overall, the Outdoor Sports Center is in fair condition. The field turf will likely need extended maintenance or replacement, as it is approaching the end of its useful life. Upkeep of the grass fields was the biggest need noticed on our tour of the facility. The facility has permanent lighting for the two turf fields, temporary lighting for the grass fields, and a designated food vendor location. The grass fields are utilized for a variety of events, and most recently were being transitioned to Cricket fields.

6 East Monroe Street | Fifth Floor | Chicago, Illinois 60603 | Phone: 312.447.2010 | Fax: 312.444.1125

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