City of Morgan Hill Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Section 3: Economic and Demographic Overview | May 2017 Sports Market Business Strategy – Morgan Hill, CA PAGE 23
Table 3-4
Median Age- Morgan Hill, CA (2010-2021)
Growth 2016-2021
2021 Growth 2010-2016
37.1 35.2 36.2 36.6
38.0 35.8 37.1 37.3
38.7 36.7 37.9 38.3
0.9 0.6 0.9 0.7
0.7 0.9 0.8 1.0
United States
Santa Clara County, CA Morgan Hill City, CA
Sources: Johnson Consulting, Ersi ArcGIS BAO
INCOME AND EMPLOYMENT The strength of a market’s income level and employment opportunities can also indicate its ability to support a sports complex. Higher income levels typically suggest greater amounts of disposable income, which can be spent on non-essential items such as recreation and entertainment. Wealthy markets will have more income available to spend on team, league, and tournament fees for a sports complex. More importantly, a healthy and diversified economy helps to insulate a region from economic downturns that could affect facility demand. MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME In 2016, the median household income in Morgan Hill was $96,808 per annum, which was significantly higher than the median household income observed across California ($62,554), and the U.S. ($54,149). The above-average median household income has likely been influenced by the corporate presence – specifically, San Jose, Santa Clara, and Silicon Valley – and reflects a healthy market with disposable income. Looking forward, median household income in California is expected to continue to grow, reaching approximately $107,754 in 2021.
Table 3–5
Median Household Income - Morgan Hill, CA (2016-2021)
CAGR* 2016-2021
$54,149 $59,476 1.9% $62,554 $71,566 2.7% $94,301 $104,424 2.1% $96,808 $107,754 2.2%
United States
Santa Clara County, CA Morgan Hill City, CA
*Compounded Annual Growth Rate Sources: Esri ArcGIS BAO, Johnson Consulting
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