City of Morgan Hill Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Section 4: Existing Facilities Overview and Impacts | May 2017 Sports Market Business Strategy – Morgan Hill, CA PAGE 52
Table 4-17
Aquatics Center and Outdoor Sports Center
Economic and Fiscal Impact
Economic Impact ($000)*
Aquatics Center Outdoor Sports Center
Direct Spending Indirect Spending Induced Spending Total Spending Increased Earnings
$3,897 $1,754 $1,391 $7,042 $2,163
$6,557 $2,951 $2,341 $11,849 $3,640
$10,454 $4,704 $3,733 $18,891 $5,803
Employment (FTE Jobs)
Fiscal Impact ($000)*
Aquatics Center Outdoor Sports Center
Sales Tax **
Transient Occupancy Tax
Total Tax Revenue
*Figures are rounded to the nearest thousand ** Total sales tax is 8.75%. City of Morgan Hill receives 1% of gross sales, or $97,000. Source: Johnson Consulting
Events held at both facilities are estimated to have generated $18.9 million in total spending, $5.8 million in increased earnings, 132 FTE jobs, and $917,000 in tax revenues, annually. Morgan Hill would receive $97,000 of the sales tax revenues, $60,000 of which is through visitor impacts.
6 East Monroe Street | Fifth Floor | Chicago, Illinois 60603 | Phone: 312.447.2010 | Fax: 312.444.1125
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