City of Morgan Hill Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Chapter 2: Existing Conditions and Community Needs
Recreation Facilities: Key Findings
• There is strong demand for additional field capacity, gymnasium spaces and aquatic facilities . The City already enjoys high levels of aquatic service on a per capita basis but peak hours at the pools are often crowded. Community members support joint use agreements with schools to help address these needs. • Morgan Hill is planning to expand its regional sports park facilities including improved OSC /AC parking and expansion of the CRC. This will support its continued growth as a tourism destination. • The City is well-positioned to develop a sand volleyball complex. Sand volleyball is a fast-growing sport. However, few dedicated facilities have been developed in Northern California or the country at large. • There is strong support for further developing the City’s historical and cultural resources, including adapting and enhancing Villa Mira Monte as a History Park to preserve and educate the community. • Local access to regional facilities is critically important to Morgan Hill. Access to existing facilities should be protected and enhanced, and local access should be guaranteed for any new developments. • Balancing cost recovery and community access is essential for operation of the City’s recreation facilities. Given the City’s limited discretionary general
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