City of Morgan Hill Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan
CHAPTER 4 Policies, Actions and Projects
INTRODUCTION This chapter includes the recommendations and initiatives to realize the vision for the future of Morgan Hill’s Bikeways, Trails, Parks, and Recreation system. These directives build on the community needs assessment and goals identified in preceding chapters. They are organized into policies and supporting actions that will guide the implementation of the policy or strategy. While the goals in Chapter 3 present an integrated vision of the system, the policies, actions, and programs here in Chapter 4 are organized by plan element – parks, recreation (including programs, community services, and facilities), bikeways, and trails. There are also policies and actions that apply systemwide, and for organizational development and management. Each element is assigned a letter and number, with supporting policies listed numerically below.
Following the policies and actions, beginning on page 4-31, are tables describing recommended projects that will implement the preceding policies.
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