City of Morgan Hill Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Chapter 4: Policies, Actions and Projects
P2-3. Strive to reach the 60/40 use ratio for residents/non-residents at the City’s current and future Recreation and Special Use Facilities to ensure that the facilities meet local demand.
P2-4. Encourage public accessibility of new privately-owned and developed parks through the RDCS process.
P2-5. Strive to connect new and existing parks to surrounding neighborhoods and commercial centers via bikeways, multi-use trails, sidewalks and vehicle access including adequate parking.
P3. Continue to create unique park features and programs in Downtown.
P3-1. Develop the new permanent Downtown parks.
P3-2. Plan future pop-up and temporary programs and installations in Downtown parks.
P3-3. Integrate public art into the Downtown parks.
P3-4. Program community events including performance art, concerts, and family events in Downtown parks.
P4. Partner with Morgan Hill Unified School District (MHUSD) to increase access (i.e., keep gates unlocked) to school facilities during non-school hours.
P4-1. Develop formal joint use agreements to enhance access and amenities at existing and future school sites.
Relevant Sites Nordstrom Park/School, Paradise Park/School, Jackson Park/School, El Toro School, Future Borello School Site, Other Future School Sites.
P4-2. Consider joint planning for facilities at Paradise and Nordstrom Parks/Schools.
P4-3. Review opportunities to increase park land and amenities adjacent to Jackson Park/School.
P4-4. Partner with the school District to land bank for future park sites adjacent to future school sites.
Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan | 4-5
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