City of Morgan Hill Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Chapter 4: Policies, Actions and Projects
B4. Encourage active and safe transportation through education and outreach.
B4-1. Develop multi-modal traveler safety education materials and programs to teach all roadway users about how to safely drive and ride bikes on or near streets with bikeways and trails. B4-2. Develop a user-friendly, multi-modal network map that allows users to easily navigate the system according to their comfort and ability level. B4-3. Provide bicycle education for primary school children. Work with schools to continue and expand the Safe Routes to School program to teach children to safely walk and ride a bicycle to school. B4-4. Support General Plan Action TR-8.G by actively pursuing bicycle safety and promotion programs, encouraging partnership with the police department, MHUSD, bicycle clubs, and other interested agencies and organizations to provide information and resources such as helmet fittings at community events.
B4-5. Seek grant funding to support active transportation education and outreach.
B5. Support economic and community development through active transportation and active recreation activities.
B5-1. Support the Downtown district and business owners in accommodating customers arriving by bicycle. B5-2. Enhance connections to regional bicycle routes and develop programs to encourage visitors or bicycle riders passing through Morgan Hill to visit Downtown. B5-3. Promote and support people walking and bicycling to community events by providing legible wayfinding and convenient bicycle parking. B6. Provide safe, accessible and convenient bicycle parking and other support services to people travelling by bicycle. B6-1. Monitor bicycle parking facility usage to determine when new or expanded facilities are needed. B6-2. Establish visible and accessible platforms for community members to request new or expanded bike parking. At destinations with high bicycle parking demand, consider allocating more public right-of-way to provide bicycle racks and bicycle corrals, possibly in the place of a vehicular parking space. Actions
Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan | 4-19
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