City of Morgan Hill Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Chapter 4: Policies, Actions and Projects

• The Madrone Channel Trail northern extension to the Coyote Creek Trail and southern extension to Middle Ave; and

• The Tennant Creek Trail from E Dunne Ave to Middle Ave.

B10. Support the comfortable use and appeal of the bikeways and trails network through regular maintenance and adequate facilities.


B10-1. Improve bikeways and trails based on maintenance standards and an established schedule. B10-2. Plan for and adequately fund maintenance activities and needs, including equipment and labor.

B10-3. Consider maintenance costs, procedures, and long-term funding mechanisms as a part of all new bikeway and trail projects.

B10-4. Create and publicize an online maintenance request form and a phone number for bikeway and trail users to identify and submit improvement requests. Respond to requests in a timely manner. B10-5. Develop a process to assess the condition of City-owned bicycle racks and on-street bicycle corrals, and replace as needed. B10-6. Include trash cans and dog bag stations along heavily used mixed-use trails.

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