City of Morgan Hill Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Chapter 4: Policies, Actions and Projects

S3-3. Select Energy Star and equivalent energy-efficient products for equipment purchases. S3-4. Provide convenient and well-marked recycling receptacles throughout the park system, in recreation facilities, and at special events. S3-5. Enforce a “No Idle” program with vehicles and other gas-powered equipment. S3-6. Install electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at park and recreation facilities that serve the region. S3-7. Train City maintenance staff and include specific standards and expectations in maintenance contracts for the care of low-water, naturalized landscapes, natural play environments, and other new types of features in the system. S4. Develop community education elements throughout the system, including the following elements:

• Printed and online biking and trails map with parks and trails at trailheads and public places including community centers, recreation facilities, libraries, and tourist destinations. • On-site signage, as appropriate, to educate the community about parks maintenance benefits, trail etiquette and environmental sustainability (e.g. native plants and water efficient features). • Online and mobile-accessible tools including social media platforms, websites and maps.

S5. Transition to water efficient irrigation systems, landscapes, and planting practices throughout the system.



Implement an irrigation central control system to assist in applying the least amount of water necessary for the current climatic conditions and in the monitoring, operation, and maintenance of the irrigation systems. Transition existing high water-use trees to native and drought tolerant trees to maintain and provide natural shade throughout the park system. Design new and renovate existing parks for water conservation. Use native plants, apply xeriscaping, and reduce turf areas that are not needed as open play space to reduce water needs, balanced with long- term funding for maintenance needs . Emphasize the use of well-designed, efficient irrigation systems that consider the mature size of plant material and the size of planting areas to be irrigated. Irrigation systems should also incorporate innovative technologies, such as low-volume drip irrigation and high efficiency overhead nozzles.




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