City of Morgan Hill Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Chapter 4: Policies, Actions and Projects
S7. Use plant materials or plant species that contribute to safe and healthy environments. Actions
Plant materials in park sites and around areas with amenities for children must be tough, impervious to trampling, fast growing, and not poisonous. Locate appropriate plant materials along walkways and entrances to improve safety and avoid blocking sightlines. Emphasize the maintenance of healthy soils and soil quality to sustain plant productivity, and to maintain and enhance water and air quality in support of human health and habitation. Emphasize the design and maintenance of landscapes to reduce the risk of fire hazard by providing defensible space zones and any plant species that are known to have unfavorable fire performance ratings.
S8. Install lighting strategically to enhance the safety and usability of the City’s facilities.
Consider providing pedestrian-level lighting (combined low ground-level and higher-level lighting) at park perimeters to enhance park entrances. Consider lighting in parks as means of increasing surveillance and park safety by locating lights in problem areas and areas of potential concealment. Consider providing lighting at courts, playgrounds, and gathering areas to encourage greater evening use, promote surveillance, and reduce the risk of vandalism.
Design lighting systems and select fixtures to minimize light pollution.
Design lighting systems to provide a consistent level of lighting with minimal glare and uneven lighting or shadow areas.
4-26 | Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan
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