City of Morgan Hill Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Chapter 4: Policies, Actions and Projects
This section includes a list of site-specific project recommendations for Morgan Hill’s bikeways, trails, parks, and recreation system. These projects will help to achieve the policies described in this chapter. The planning level costs and construction timing for priority projects are included in the following Chapter 5: Implementation and Action Plan. Proposed Bikeway Projects The following table includes recommendations for the development of new and enhanced bikeways. These proposed bikeways are illustrated on maps in Appendices G and H.
Table 4-4: Recommended Bikeways Projects
Recommended Enhancements
Project Project Type
Relevant Sites
Construct protected bike lanes including multimodal intersection improvements at major arterial intersections.
B-A1. Live Oak High School Access and Coyote Creek Connection: E Main Avenue from Butterfield Blvd to Hill Rd
Protected Bike Lanes (Class IV)
B-B1. Cochrane Rd and Malaguerra Ave from Monterey Rd to Coyote Creek Trailhead B-B2. Monterey Road from Tilton Ave to W Main Ave B-B3. Sobrato School Access: Burnett Rd from Monterey Rd to Coyote Creek B-B4 . Santa Teresa Corridor: Hale Ave from Palm Avenue to W main Ave to reach Coyote Valley Open Space Preserve (CVOSP). (County coordination is needed.) B-B6. Tilton Rd from Monterey Rd to Hale Ave B-B7. Peet Rd/Hill Rd from Eagle View Dr to Tennant Ave B-B8. Dunne Ave from Dewitt Ave to Jackson Oaks Dr B-B5. West Main Ave from Butterfield Blvd to Dewitt Ave
Construct buffered bike lanes and upgrade the existing shoulder/ discontinuous bike lanes to continuous buffered lanes including multimodal intersection improvements at major arterial intersections.
Buffered Bike Lanes (Class II)
Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan | 4-31
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