City of Morgan Hill Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Chapter 4: Policies, Actions and Projects
Proposed Trail Projects The following table includes recommendations for the development of new and enhanced trails. Several of these projects require collaboration with other agencies. These proposed bikeways are illustrated in Appendices G and H.
Table 4-5: Recommended Trail Projects
Recommended Enhancements
Project Project Type
Relevant Sites
T-A1. Pave and enhance access the existing Madrone Channel Trail (Cochrane Rd to Tennant Ave) through signage and trail improvements T-A2. Madrone Channel Trail extension from Cochrane Rd to Burnett Ave connecting to Coyote Creek T-A3. Coyote Creek Trail – Malaguerra Staging Area to Burnett Staging Area T-A4. Burnett Ave trail from Madrone Channel Trail to Coyote Creek Trail T-A5. Downtown Hilltop Trail connecting Del Monte Ave to the water tower and Hale Ave T-A6. Trail from Live Oak High School to the Madrone Channel Trail T-A7. Silveira Park trail around Atherton Way Hidden Pond with associated pedestrian bridges T-A8 West Little Llagas Creek Trail from W Main Ave to Spring Ave T-A9. Santa Teresa Blvd trail south of Watsonville Rd (Ph. 1: Pave existing trail between Watsonville and Llagas Creek) T-A10. Murphy Ave/Mission View Dr multi-use trail from Burnett Ave to Tennant Ave T-A11 . Trail connecting the San Pedro Percolation Ponds to the Outdoor Sports and Aquatics Centers
Construct two-way, off- street paved trails for pedestrian and bicycle use. Trails should also accommodate wheelchairs, joggers, skaters, and other non- motorized users.
Multi-Use Trails
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