City of Morgan Hill Fiscal Years 2020- 2022 Recommended Operating and CIP Budgets
Downtown Maintenance
Division Description The activities accomplished with this budget address maintenance of the specific features and amenities that the City has constructed in the Downtown area to support commerce, public gatherings, community use, and numerous events. These specific features and amenities include the Downtown Parks, parking lots, the Downtown Parking Structure, public art, medians, Downtown Streetscape, and other public property within the Downtown area. As Downtown development continues, an increase in activity and use has required higher levels of maintenance support. The Community Services Maintenance Team attempts to address the increasing maintenance requirements as cost efficiently as possible through a combination of contractors, part-time teammates, and full-time teammates. FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Accomplishments Utilized a hybrid maintenance management approach including a combination of contractors and City teammates to provide a high level of service to the Downtown. Installed inground pedestrian cross walks at 1 st St and 5 th St. Partnered with the Morgan Hill Unified School District’s “To Work Partnership Program” to utilize volunteers to provide litter control and minor landscaping which also provides students with job skills. Partnered with Community Christian Church, Morgan Hill Downtown Association, Ladera Grill, and Rotary of Morgan Hill to refresh the Pop-Up Park. Community Christian Church continues to provide ongoing park maintenance. FY 2020-21 and 2021-22 Activity Goals Continually evaluate services to ensure a higher level of maintenance is consistently achieved (Maintaining Infrastructure; Fiscal Sustainability; Economic Development) Coordinate with Downtown businesses on potential partnerships to enhance ongoing Downtown maintenance activities (Maintaining Infrastructure; Fiscal Sustainability; Economic Development) Financial Comments Funding for this activity has increased in recent years due to additional Downtown amenities, increased use, and heightened maintenance expectations.
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