City of Morgan Hill Fiscal Years 2020- 2022 Recommended Operating and CIP Budgets
Street Maintenance (continued)
FY 2020-21 and 2021-22 Activity Goals Continue annual sidewalk projects to eliminate trip hazards and provide safe walkways (Maintaining Infrastructure) Continue annual program to seal City-owned parking lots and trails (Maintaining Infrastructure) Continue pothole repairs and minor asphalt deficiencies (Maintaining Infrastructure) Continue to monitor and adjust irrigation within City owned rights-of-way and median islands (Maintaining Infrastructure; Protecting the Environment; Fiscal Sustainability) Continue the use of alternative work forces to maintain weed abatement for fire protection and aesthetics on an annual basis (Maintaining Infrastructure; Fiscal Sustainability) Financial Comments Funding for Street Maintenance comes primarily from the City’s share of State gas taxes and transfers from the sewer and water enterprises reflecting their responsibility for wear and tear on the streets. Since gas taxes are collected based on gallons of gasoline, and not on the price of gas itself, the amount of gas tax revenue received by the City has, until recently, remained more or less flat, while the cost of street maintenance has increased over time due to inflation and increased traffic. The City is now receiving additional revenue from State Senate Bill 1 (2017) and Measure B (2016), which the City is dedicating completely to the Pavement Rehabilitation Projects within the Capital Improvement Program.
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