City of Morgan Hill Fiscal Years 2020- 2022 Recommended Operating and CIP Budgets



Introduction to Department The Morgan Hill Fire Department, through a cooperative fire protection agreement with CAL FIRE, provides all-risk emergency services including advanced life support (paramedics). The City owns the two fire stations, all apparatus and equipment, while CAL FIRE provides the personnel. Core services provided include emergency response, community education, business inspections, and fire prevention. The Department provides services utilizing two fire engine companies and a third through an agreement with the South Santa Clara County Fire District, in which the City partially funds for staffing. The Morgan Hill Fire Department's fire and rescue personnel work a 72-hour shift. Minimum staffing is six (6) line personnel including at least two (2) paramedics and one (1) chief officer. The Fire Marshal and Emergency Medical Services/Training Captain are available to respond as additional capacity for responses when needed to incidents or to staff the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). During FY 2018-19 and 2019-20, a Standards of Coverage Study (SOC) was commissioned by the cities of Morgan Hill, Gilroy and the South County Fire Protection District. One of the primary takeaways of the study is that it validated the need for a third fire station within the City of Morgan Hill and confirmed the current proposed location of the facility on Butterfield Boulevard and Diana Avenue to be an appropriate location. Further, an immediate need for additional staffing was identified for both cities. For Morgan Hill, staffing an additional 2-person Advanced Life Support Unit would be appropriate to ensure a timely response to emergency calls within the City, especially during peak hours where simultaneous calls for services are experienced. The Fire Marshal's office provides technical information, advice and recommendations regarding enactment, amendment, repeal, and enforcement of fire prevention and suppression ordinances and regulations within the City. In cooperation with the City and the City Attorney, enforce and provide services required by the Morgan Hill Municipal Code and mandated by the State and Federal Government, including brush abatement inspections in the Wildland Urban Interface. FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Accomplishments  Completed a three-department Fire Study and Standards of Coverage for Morgan Hill in cooperation with South Santa Clara County Fire and Gilroy Fire  Accepted and outfitted a donated ambulance for critical transportation needs  Acquired and outfitted a reserve Fire Engine  Supported development and participated in full scale Emergency Operations Center drills simulating a Public Safety Power Shut-off event within the City  Conducted Fire Prevention Week campaign, including poster contest with the elementary schools and participation in the October Home Depot Kids’ Craft Day

FIRE 201

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