City of Morgan Hill Public Safety Master Plan
The Center for Public Safety Management, LLC (CPSM) was retained by the city of Morgan Hill and Santa Clara County to conduct a comprehensive analysis of fire department operations provided by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) in these communities. This analysis includes CAL FIRE’s deployment practices, workload, organization structure, training, performance measures, prevention activities, the fees for these services, and interactions with mutual aid partners. Specifically, CPSM was tasked with providing recommendations and alternatives regarding the current contractual relationship with CAL FIRE and to evaluate fire department operations, staffing levels, financial efficiencies, and alternative modes of operation. During the study, CPSM analyzed performance data provided by CAL FIRE and also examined firsthand the department’s operations. Fire departments tend to deploy resources utilizing traditional approaches, which are rarely reviewed. To begin the review, project staff asked CAL FIRE for certain documents, data, and information. The project staff used this information/data to familiarize themselves with the department’s structure, assets, and operations. The provided information was also used in conjunction with information collected during an on-site visit to determine the existing performance of the department, and to compare that performance to national benchmarks. These benchmarks have been developed by organizations such as the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Center for Public Safety Excellence, Inc., (CPSE), and the ICMA Center for Performance Measurement. Project staff conducted a site visit on May 12–14, 2016, for the purpose of observing fire department and agency-connected support operations, interviewing key department staff, and reviewing preliminary data and information. Telephone conference calls as well as e-mail exchanges were conducted between CPSM project management staff, the city, and CAL FIRE so that CPSM staff could affirm the project scope, and elicit further discussion regarding this operational analysis. CAL FIRE provides full-service fire protection to many of the citizens of California through the administration of 145 cooperative fire protection agreements in 33 of the state's 58 counties, 30 cities, 32 fire districts, and 25 other special districts and service areas. CAL FIRE is a highly skilled and progressive organization that is a recognized leader nationally in its delivery of wildland protection, and fire and EMS services. The CAL FIRE personnel with whom CPSM interacted are truly interested in serving the City of Morgan Hill and the South Santa Clara County Fire District to the best of their abilities. As service demands increase and CAL FIRE is required to provide increased response activities, the necessity for strong collaboration with contract partners will also continue to evolve. This working relationship and the ability to address the expanding service needs and its corresponding reporting requirements will provide ongoing challenges. These however, are not insurmountable and CPSM will provide a series of observations and recommendations that we believe can allow CAL FIRE to become more efficient and smarter in the management of its emergency and nonemergency responsibilities.
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