City of Morgan Hill Public Safety Master Plan
This section presents response time statistics for different call types.
Different terms are used to describe the components of response time. Dispatch time is the difference between the time a call is received and the time a unit is dispatched. Dispatch time includes call processing time, which is the time required to determine the nature of the emergency and types of resources to dispatch. Turnout time is the difference between dispatch time and the time a unit is en route. Travel time is the difference between the time en route and arrival on scene. Response time is the total time elapsed between receiving a call to arriving on- scene. In this section, we analyze calls to which MHFD and SSCCFD units responded, excluding cancelled and mutual aid calls. Calls were analyzed in two groups based on their location either within MHFD’s coverage area or within SSCCFD’s coverage area, regardless of which units responded. We analyzed response times for the first arriving, non-administrative unit. Calls with a total response time of more than 30 minutes were excluded. In addition, we included only calls where the first arriving unit had complete timestamps, that is, units with all components recorded so as to be able to calculate each segment of response time. Based on the methodology above, out of the 3,066 calls in the MHFD’s coverage area, the following calls were excluded: 138 cancelled calls, 9 calls with a response time of more than 30 minutes, 21 calls where only an administrative unit had an arrival time recorded, 92 non- cancelled calls where no unit recorded an arrival time, and 248 calls where the unit en-route time was missing, was identical to the unit dispatch time, or was after unit arrival time. As a result, 2,558 calls in MHFD’s coverage area were used in the analysis. Based on the methodology above, out of the 1,929 calls in in SSCCFD’s coverage area, the following calls were excluded: 96 cancelled calls, 22 calls with a response time of more than 30 minutes, 46 calls where only an administrative unit had an arrival time recorded, 113 non- cancelled calls where no unit recorded an arrival time, and 160 calls where the unit en-route time was missing, was identical to the unit dispatch time, or was after unit arrival time. As a result, 1,492 calls in SSCCFD’s coverage area were used in the analysis. Response Times by Type of Call Table 8-13 provides average dispatch, turnout, travel, and total response time for the first arriving unit to each call, broken out by call type. Figures 8-6 and 8-7 illustrate the same information. Table 8-14 gives the 90th percentile time broken out in the same manner. A 90th percentile time means that 90 percent of calls had response times at or below that number.
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