City of Morgan Hill Public Safety Master Plan
■ The average response time for structure fires was 5.3 minutes, and for outside fires was 6.7 minutes.
■ The 90th percentile dispatch time was 1.0 minutes.
■ The 90th percentile turnout time was 2.8 minutes.
■ The 90th percentile travel time was 6.2 minutes.
■ The 90th percentile response time was 8.8 minutes.
■ The 90th percentile time was 8.2 minutes for EMS calls and 10.4 minutes for fire calls.
■ The 90th percentile time for structure fires was 6.8 minutes, and for outside fires was 8.7 minutes.
SSCCFD ■ The average dispatch time was 0.9 minutes.
■ The average turnout time was 2.1 minutes.
■ The average travel time was 6.4 minutes.
■ The average response time was 9.3 minutes.
■ The average response time was 8.7 minutes for EMS calls and 10.7 minutes for fire calls.
■ The average response time for structure fires was 12.4 minutes, and for outside fires was 11.7 minutes.
■ The 90th percentile dispatch time was 1.6 minutes.
■ The 90th percentile turnout time was 3.5 minutes.
■ The 90th percentile travel time was 11.0 minutes.
■ The 90th percentile response time was 14.8 minutes.
■ The 90th percentile time was 14.1 minutes for EMS calls and 17.2 minutes for fire calls.
■ The 90th percentile time for structure fires was 24.0 minutes, and for outside fires was 19.3 minutes.
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