City of Morgan Hill Public Safety Master Plan
CAL FIRE CAL FIRE provides fire and emergency medical services (EMS) under its cooperative fire protection agreements to both the City of Morgan Hill and SSCCFD. Santa Clara County EMS is responsible for EMS transport in both jurisdictions and CAL FIRE provides ALS first response in both the District and the City. Morgan Hill has two fire stations, and SSCCFD operates three fire stations. The District also operates a fourth fire station (Station 31) in the area of Pacheco Pass. This station operates under an Amador Agreement , meaning it is staffed on a full-time basis but the funding mechanism is different, with the state assuming much of the funding responsibility during wildfire season. Because of the limited response activity (104 total responses in 2015), the Pacheco Station was excluded from this analysis, except for the interaction involving mutual aid responses. The City and District entered in a Boundary-Drop Agreement in 2013 in which the resources of both agencies are comingled in servicing the two areas. CPSM recognizes this agreement as a Best Practice . The combined fire stations that service Morgan Hill and SSCCFD are as follows:
■ Station 1 (SSCCFD) – 15670 Monterey St.*
■ Station 2 (SSCCFD) – 10810 No Name Uno Ave.
■ Station 3 (SSCCFD) – 3050 Hecker Pass Highway
■ Station 31 (SSCCFD) – 12280 Pacheco Pass Hwy**
■ Station 4 (City) – 18300 Old Monterey (El Toro)
■ Station 5 (City) – 2100 E. Dunne Ave. (Dunne Hill)
*Note: Station 1 is a state-owned facility that utilizes a shared staffing plan involving the state and District. ** Note: Station 31 operates under an Amador Agreement with the state and operates at the ALS level.
A graphic depiction of the city’s two fire station locations, CAL FIRE Station 1 and the District’s three fires stations appear in Figure 3-3.
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