City of Morgan Hill Public Safety Master Plan
mid- and high-level narcotics investigations involving heroin, ecstasy, methamphetamines, cocaine and marijuana. The caseload carried by the investigator is high and his efforts have resulted in almost $1 million in cash seizures from illicit drug operations in the region. The only negative part of MHPD involvement in the DEATF is that the drug investigations do not directly impact drug operations in Morgan Hill. Examination of the caseload indicates that the investigations are being conducted throughout the county and even out of state. This is to be expected, given Morgan Hill’s proximity to San Jose. It is only natural that the investigations pursued by the DEA would lead in this direction. Nonetheless, participation in this effort yields indirect benefits for Morgan Hill in the realm of reducing the prevalence of drugs in the greater Santa Clara region. CPSM recommends continuing participation in this effort. However, if the department chooses to add a second position in the street crimes team, then the DEATF position should be eliminated and reassigned to the Special Operations Division street crime team. The mission of the RATTF is to provide additional resources to enhance the capacity of all police agencies county-wide in order to impact the crime of auto theft. RATTF is a proactive, multijurisdictional unit that augments already existing auto theft and investigative units in the area police departments. The task force includes all jurisdictions in Santa Clara County regardless of whether an agency is participating in the task force or not. The activities of the state and local participants in this joint operation are funded by a $1 fee added to all vehicle registrations statewide. Morgan Hill enjoys a very low rate of crime, including vehicle theft. The long-term efforts of RATTF are undoubtedly somewhat responsible for this experience. The MHPD investigator assigned to RATTF investigates every report of a stolen vehicle and recovered stolen vehicle from Morgan Hill and works in conjunction with regional partners to address this crime. Considering the steady funding source for personnel assigned to this task force as well the degree of success in preventing auto theft, continuation in the RATTF is strongly recommended. The mission of the SCCSET is to promote interagency collaboration to prevent, suppress, and combat the impacts of violent and career criminals, PRCS/AB109 offenders, major narcotic offenders, human trafficking offenders, criminal organizations and gangs, firearms traffickers, and other significant crimes to increase public safety in Santa Clara County. This is another example of interagency cooperation that contributes to the safety and security of Morgan Hill. While data about the activities of the investigator assigned to the SCCSET were not readily available, this is an extremely integral assignment and continued participation is strongly recommended. Recommendations: Incorporate data management (caseload, clearances, etc.) into the operations of the detective bureau.
Develop an integrated intelligence and crime analysis function.
Recreate the street crime/gang enforcement team to supplement investigations and patrol deployment and to be able to develop a crime prevention and community engagement strategy.
Police Operations and Data Analysis Report, Morgan Hill, California
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