City of Morgan Hill Public Safety Master Plan
implementation of a functional tracking system with an early warning component must be considered with the anticipated growth.
The establishment a Professional Standards Unit under the direction of a sergeant to manage department-wide essential support services such as use-of-force management is essential to maintain high standards of ethics and professionalism in the department.
CPSM recommends that the two related policy statements (300.5 and 300.5.1) be combined to clarify that documenting and reporting of incidents of force are governed by the same criteria. Policy should be revised to include a requirement that an officer observing a use of force under any circumstance be required to report the observed use to a supervisor. CPSM recommends that policy language regarding supervisory response to use-of-force incidents be clarified with a positive requirement to respond to all force incidents, and that language such as “when a supervisor is able to” or “in the event a supervisor is unable to respond” be eliminated. Critical Incident Review Board (CIRB) policy must be revised to reflect the board’s true intended scope of authority and responsibility. CPSM recommends the Executive Information Services use-of-force module be implemented as soon as possible or a suitable replacement be implemented as soon as possible. Recruitment and Background Investigations The law enforcement profession always faces the challenge of renewing its ranks. For nearly every agency, this is an ongoing effort. However, for some time and especially more recently, finding qualified applicants who have the desire and ability to meet selection process and academy training requirements has become a more challenging proposition, adding to a growing shortage of law enforcement officers nationwide. However, Morgan Hill Police Department (MHPD) has enjoyed a successful recruitment period over the last five years, while many agencies struggle to cope with this national problem. MHPD reports its success has been supported by the city of Morgan Hill’s rebound from the recession that has outpaced many cities in the region. The level of police officer salary and benefits enjoyed by MHPD personnel and the quality of life amenities offered by Morgan Hill has brought very attractive, qualified candidates to the city. MHPD currently has one opening and is actively recruiting. The Special Operations Captain is responsible for the recruitment, background, and hiring process. He is assisted by the administrative sergeant and administrative assistant. MHPD has processed well over 100 applicants in the last three years. Lateral applicants have been targeted from primarily local agencies, as have new applicants from local college law enforcement academies.
Police Operations and Data Analysis Report, Morgan Hill, California
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