City of Morgan Hill Public Safety Master Plan
to the Chief recommending final approval or remediation of the trainee. Failures require additional documentation and training for a predetermined period of time. A decision on retention or termination is then made by the Chief based on the trainee’s remedial progress. The Training Unit also provides a training program for newly promoted sergeants. The transition from line officer to supervisor is an important and sometimes difficult transition. Departmental guidance and encouragement is important to the development of a new supervisor. This formal MHPD program provides an excellent foundation for the employee as they begin a new role in the organization. MHPD policy requires daily training through briefing training and computer-based Daily Training Bulletins. Sworn members are required to log on to the MHPD intranet and complete the assigned training module by a specified date. The training sergeant audits the system and identifies those officers who failed to complete the module and addresses the failure. Several supervisors indicated department workload prevented them from conducting regular briefings. Roll-call training is an opportunity for an agency to train its personnel at frequent intervals on a variety of topics in a concise and economical timeframe. The training should include high-risk policies such as pursuits, use of force, mental health encounters, race-based policing, topical issues, etc., which can be offered on a rotating basis at appropriate frequency. These examples refer to patrol, but training also needs to be directed throughout the department as appropriate to include dispatchers, detectives, and civilian staff. Supervisors need to consider the task does not have to occur in the station or at the beginning of shift; the important aspect is the training and exchange of information. Management should ensure briefings occur with minimal exception. Perishable skills and dynamic scenario training should be added to the two-year training calendar to ensure it is presented at appropriate intervals. The availability of adequate training facilities was also raised. Specific concerns for space to conduct defensive tactics training and scenario training were mentioned by the focus groups. Currently, the department utilizes various areas in the station for force training. A local land owner is donating area on their property for firearms training. Members expressed these training arrangements have been problematic due to adequate and safe space and limited accessibility. The two-year training calendar should be reviewed annually to ensure that compliance with current law and training relevance to department needs is maintained. Management should ensure that briefings occur with minimal exception. Supervisors should be innovative in their approach to accomplish this task. Perishable skills and dynamic scenario training should be included in the two-year training calendar to ensure it is presented at appropriate intervals. A review of current training facilities should be considered to ensure they meet department training needs. Recommendations:
Police Operations and Data Analysis Report, Morgan Hill, California
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