City of Morgan Hill Public Safety Master Plan
Section 5. Support Services Division The Support Services Division is managed by a civilian manager who has a position equal to that of a captain. The sections under the manager’s command include the Communications Section, Records Section, and Property and Evidence Section. The following narratives outline those operations assessed by CPSM. Communications Section The Communication Section is a vital component of an effective police department. Its interaction with callers plays a significant role in setting the tone for the community’s attitude toward the department. As well, the efficiency with which it collects information from callers and relays that information to responding units significantly impacts officer and community safety and the chances of apprehending criminals in high-priority and in-progress crimes. The Communications Center operates under the direction of the Support Services manager. The dispatch system uses Executive Information Services as its CAD platform. A new dispatch console and 9-1-1 system were installed fairly recently, which significantly upgraded communications capabilities. The dispatch console has identical functionality at all three consoles for both dispatch and call-taking responsibilities. Fire and emergency medical service (EMS) calls are transferred to Cal Fire, the Morgan Hill contracted provider for these services. New radios are also being purchased to enhance department communications internally and provide interoperability capability with regional agencies. According to the Support Services manager, the Communications Section is currently budgeted for eight full-time dispatcher positions. For the 2016-2017 fiscal year budget, a dispatcher supervisor position has been allocated and the recruitment process for this position is beginning. The manager said this new position establishes an individual who can commit the energy and attention necessary to ensure the communications center and staff are equipped and trained to provide the best possible service to the officers in the field and the community. The communications staffing is generally two dispatchers on duty at all times, except between 3:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. during the week when one dispatcher is on duty. As required, MHPD communications staff attend 24 hours of continuing professional training every two years. MHPD maintains a policy and procedures manual for dispatchers and other personnel working in communications. The duties of the dispatcher include dispatching radio and computer traffic, answering 911 calls, other calls for police service or general inquiry, administrative calls to MHPD personnel, and handling walk-ins at the public counter after hours for limited services. In addition, the dispatchers provide information and research support to the field units upon request. They access databases for suspect, location and investigative information, review and evaluate the information, then provide it to the officer in the field. This assistance has become a valuable asset to field officers, but may negatively add to dispatcher workload.
Police Operations and Data Analysis Report, Morgan Hill, California
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