City of Morgan Hill Public Safety Master Plan
Priority 1 calls. The team should work to amend the present call priority default system to ensure in-progress crimes and life-safety calls are reflected at the highest priority classification and other calls that may now be classified as Priority 1 calls are reprogrammed to a more appropriate priority.
TABLE 5-1: Average Dispatch, Travel, and Response Times, by Priority
1 2 3 4
2.7 6.6
4.8 6.6 8.2
233 628
13.2 18.7 26.9
10.5 16.5
5,030 2,094
1* Fire / EMS
4.8 8.4 2.3
Weighted Average/Total
Injury accidents 57 Note : The total average is weighted according to the number of calls within each priority level. There were seven calls without priority assigned. *218 Fire and EMS calls were removed from the Priority 1 listing of 233 police responses. They are included in the line marked 1*. These numbers reflect the police response to fire and EMS calls. This was done to more accurately reflect the police department response time to Priority 1 calls not involving fire and EMS. Observations: High-priority calls had an average response time of 7.6 minutes, lower than the weighted average of 19.8 minutes for all calls. Average dispatch delay was 2.7 minutes for high-priority calls, compared to 11.3 minutes overall. Average response time for injury accidents was 5.3 minutes, with a dispatch delay of 1.7 minutes. Hourly averages sampled fewer than 10 calls for each hour between 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. In these cases, a few unusually long calls can seriously affect an hourly average. For high-priority calls, the longest response times were between 1:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m., with an average of 11.4 minutes. This was due to one call with a response time greater than 30 minutes. For high-priority calls, the shortest response times were between 3:00 p.m. and 4:00p.m., with an average of 5.8 minutes. Average dispatch delay for high-priority calls was consistently 5.1 minutes or less, except between 1:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. 1.9 4.2
Police Operations and Data Analysis Report, Morgan Hill, California
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