City of Morgan Hill Public Safety Master Plan
TABLE 6-1: Workers’ Compensation Claims Overview, 2013-2015
Workers’ Compensation Claims*
Total Number of Claims
Lost Time/Medical Only Claim
7/4 519
8/2 763
4/4 342
Lost Time Days
Future Reserves $816,148
Incurred Total
Total Active Claims – All Years**
Paid Total $2,144,332
*Source : Morgan Hill Human Resources Manager **Source : Morgan Hill TPA Innovative Claims Solutions
To address costs and lost time claims, it is imperative that treating physicians fully understand that temporary, short-term modified duty, outside of the normal duty demands, may be available to an injured worker. As work restrictions oftentimes include lifting of not more than five pounds, standing and or sitting restrictions, etc., it is important for the treating physician to be aware that such assignments are a desired option to “temporary total disability.” MHPD maintains a liaison with the main treating facility. However, assigning a supervisor to accompany an employee seeking initial medical treatment/evaluation at a treating facility when such treatment is provided at a city- contracted facility can ensure medical staff is aware that modified duty assignments are available before determining the employee’s work status. The supervisor should consult with the treating physician and discuss with them the availability of temporary modified duty assignments to assist in determining if such work can be performed where available. In addition, weekly contact by the department with an injured worker, ensuring their needs are being met, can have a positive impact on the employee. As peace officers in California are afforded time off with full salary for 365 days per injury, it is imperative management take an active role in addressing the health of department employees and the significant costs that can be associated with their injuries. This is especially important with the Morgan Hill’s budget modification in the last fiscal year whereby workers’ compensation benefits (replacement salary/wages) for each affected employee must be paid by their home department’s operating budget—just as if the employee were still earning salary/wages for time actually worked. According to city staff, this change avoids the illusion of salary savings vs. budgeted funds in operating departments that happen to have significant absences from work due to job-related injuries or illness.
Supervisors should accompany injured employees seeking initial medical
treatment/evaluation to the treating facility when such treatment is provided at a city- contracted facility. The supervisor should consult with the treating physician and discuss
Police Operations and Data Analysis Report, Morgan Hill, California
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