City of Morgan Hill Public Safety Master Plan
It is also interesting to note that most of the agencies surveyed participate in the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS). Only three of the 21 agencies surveyed utilized a municipal pension system; these three must make a significantly higher employer contribution then those utilizing CALPERS. Also notable were the number of days and hours worked in a year by CAL FIRE employees as compared to those surveyed. CAL FIRE employees work 165 days annually, as compared to the 125 days worked, on average, in surveyed jurisdictions. In terms of actual hours, CAL FIRE employees work nearly 25 percent more hours than those of their surveyed counterparts. Table 3-5 shows the days and hours worked in surveyed jurisdictions and by CAL FIRE. In summary, however, the personnel costs for CAL FIRE are significantly less than those of California jurisdictions in the 2014 survey.
TABLE 3-5: Hours and Days Worked Annually by Fire Department
Hours Annually 2920.00 3128.57 2920.00 3128.57 2911.92 2920.00 2920.00 2920.00 3128.57 2920.00 3128.57 2920.00 3128.57 3128.57 2920.00 2920.00 3128.57 2920.00 2920.00 3128.57 3007.39 3744.00
Days Annually
Fire Department
Bakersfield Chula Vista
122 130 122 130 121 122 122 122 130 122 130 122 130 130 122 122 130 122 122 130 125 156
Escondido Fullerton Heyward
Los Angeles Co.
Milpitas Novato Ontario Oxnard
San Bernardino (City of)
San Mateo (City of)
Santa Monica
Stockton Torrance
Ventura Co.
Local Average
State Firefighters (CAL FIRE)
Budgetary Costs As indicated above, both the City of Morgan Hill and the South Santa Clara County Fire District contract with CAL FIRE for all fire and EMS services in their respective jurisdictions. Neither the City nor the District employ any fire personnel and all services, including the administrative support functions, are provided under contract by CAL FIRE. These arrangements are governed through cooperative fire protection agreements between the state of California and Morgan Hill and Santa Clara County. CAL FIRE utilizes a Direct Cost Budgeting Proces s for both the City and the District. In this methodology, actual costs are reimbursed to CAL FIRE for its services. CAL FIRE provides a five-year budget projection, but actual costs are funded by the respective agency. In most instances, CAL FIRE costs are lower than budget projections. In addition, the City and District receive an EMS reimbursements for call activity and response time compliance. Each agency can then use these revenues to offset their budgetary costs. In FY 2015-16 the budget
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